meanders in montreal

Sunday, May 11, 2008

I'm back from another cross-Canada trip, and actually managed to go from coast to coast in one day--though I do feel like I cheated a little bit since I didn't actually go from Victoria to St. John's, which would have been a bit more "coast to coast" than Vancouver to St. John's. Oh well.

I just got all my pictures up onto Picasa Web; as always, they can be found in all their glory right here. The "Eastern Tour Lite" is on Facebook with only 120 pictures between two albums for both Newfoundland and Montreal--a more extensive set is on Picasa Web.

I was also fiddling with placing some pictures on the Google maps in Picasa Web--also a nifty feature, though I really don't think enough people use Picasa Web yet for anyone to realize what's really going on. For some reason I'm now getting visions of Google buying Facebook and integrating all of these technologies together--it's a little mind-boggling.

I'll put up a few of the best pictures in here with proper captions soon--in the meantime, enjoy this little slideshow!