staring kangaroos in the eye

Monday, August 27, 2007

Having been in Australia for over a month, I've settled into a few good routines and have experienced lots of things to make me feel that being here is comfortable and fun. Sydney is already so much like Vancouver that it took very little for me to get settled into the city's swing, and making friends as an exchange student has been very easy, thanks to my roommates and Ola's, and I suppose my own tendency to be friendly to random people. In the last week or so, I've even wondered if I've become too comfortable here, as thoughts of returning to a rainy and cold spring semester at SFU are more than a little discouraging.

Today, however, I got Ian's webcam setup on my computer, and stumbled across Ashton on Skype after getting home from class--and realized, while I spoke to him, that being Down Under has been (and will continue to be) a truly fantastic experience. Sure, he and Alaina had dinner at the Louvre the other night and are negotiating their way through a city of 12 million with one of the richest cultures on earth--and learning French to boot, which I definitely miss!--but I get to stare kangaroos in the eye and relax on grass in the sun and feel perfectly at peace. What I love about Canada--the space, the culture, the simple and breathtaking natural beauty--is prevalent here too, and it's all new. There are still so many things to be discovered and done, and being out of my comfort zone makes me far more driven to get to all of them. Would I dream of going out three times a week back in Vancouver, of doing four day camping trips on beaches, of going to Fiji for a week, of squeezing new opportunities and activities out of every week? (Which includes a biweekly date with Ola to play badminton, something I've always wanted to do on a regular basis... so why Macquarie and not Simon Fraser?)

No, when I look at it, Vancouver seems too habitual and mundane; like I've underestimated the city and have let it pass me by. I know that's not true to a very large degree, but at this distance and at this time in my life, I can't help but wonder... why can't I live every day like this? At the rugby game last weekend, I had a few moments to appreciate being able to go out with a group of friends on a Saturday night, to sit and drink beer, eat hot dogs, cheer for teams and a game we knew nothing about, and afterwards celebrate the Rooster's loss by dancing in Irish pubs to live rock bands--and not worry about jobs, about spouses, about kids, about rent or whatever. Of course, those worries are there (because I do need a job, or a vastly improved credit limit on Visa, or to win the lottery), but it's easy to forget about on a Saturday night after a beer and in the middle of a rugby game. We're lucky, to be twenty and to be enjoying life as we are.

That said, there's a lot to do before August is done, and in September too. I'm going to let myself pursue the idea of staying a little longer, of making the necessary inquiries to see what kind of paperwork needs to be done and what it would take for everything to go smoothly. I'm going to write this @#%&!#%(*! paper for Friday, I'm going to go for a run tomorrow, I'm going to maybe go on a date on Wednesday, enjoy a cocktail party on Friday night at Jeremy's, and then stroll around Darling Harbour on Saturday morning and bask in the joy of being finished papers. Then, Sunday we shall perhaps go to the beach (it was 27C today, warum nichts?), play badminton, watch America's Next Top Model and Australian Idol, and next Monday I'll do it all over again.

That said, we went skating this evening over at the mall, which was (as always) vastly entertaining. In between nursing our ankles from really poorly made skates (they were more like ski boots!), Ola and I went in circles talking about Canadian and Australian politics... eventually deciding that we need to learn a lot more before we can discuss them properly. I wish I was in her POL 300 class, "Media Politics." It sounds darn interesting.

skating this evening!

Sarah and I a couple weeks ago at the Art House

some house party-ness at Ola's

the girls! Crystal, Anne, a Norwegian girl, Ashley my roomie, Monica, moi, Sarah, and Ola

Ashley and I--my first female roomie!

just down the street from Jeremy's, out for dinner at a really yummy bistro pre-Priscilla

partying it up hippy-style at Wesley College for Westock

downtown at the Queen Victoria Building, our hub of all transit needs

Ola and I at the luau hosted at my place last weekend

Sarah decided to climb our (truly magnificent) palm tree

Ryan, moi, Ola, and two of Ryan's roomies

our marvellous leis--which took us hours to find at the mall!

lions and tigers and komodo dragons, oh my!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

More photo catch up! These pictures are from my birthday--I took a bus downtown (waaay too early in the morning) to meet up with the Medlocks for a day at the Turonga Zoo. We took a ferry there, which was definitely one of the highlights of the trip. Having just been to the Cleveland Zoo and Featherdale Wildlife Park, I hope you'll forgive me for not taking umpteen pictures of sleepy animals.

Highlights of this trip, though? The Komodo Dragon, without a doubt. They're so much bigger and more impressive when you see them "for real." Also, the lions and tigers were awake for feeding time when we were in their area, and they're equally impressive. The giraffes, too, never fail to impress me... their view was pretty impressive, too!

Jeremy, on our way from Darling Harbour to the zoo

the Harbour Bridge... naturally!

the Sydney Opera House

downtown Sydney

komodo dragons are pretty much the coolest animals!

I wonder if the giraffes know how great their view is?

I call this my "zoo look"...

Dylan was the star of the show though, let's not pretend otherwise. ;)

over in oberon

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

This is another post from me, getting caught up on pictures! This is my weekend in Oberon with Jeremy and his family: Peter and Jennie, his parents; Phoebe and Brian, his sister and brother-in-law; Dylan, their two-year-old; Bella, Kairu, Tex, and Cooper, the family's four dogs. Jeremy picked me up on a rainy Friday afternoon (which turned into sunshine, see below) on August 3rd, and we were up there until Sunday afternoon.

The weekend was a lovely respite from metropolitan Sydney. It was bloody cold--probably around 4 C most of the weekend, with some rain and wind on Saturday--but bundling up and walking made it all quite bearable. We happily pulled on as many layers as we could, and ended up in some rather entertaining mixes (again, see below). A trip into Oberon to see the Big Trout (it's biiiiig) and to eat at Pete's Cafe rounded the trip out perfectly. :) Oberon's definitely the 1000-person version of William's Lake.

Not to mention! I saw plenty of wild kangaroos (much to my amusement), and we saw a platypus--something that is very rare and very special. Platypi are very shy, though curious animals. We were in the right place at the right time, I suppose!

heading out of Sydney on a beautiful afternoon...

heading into in the mountains...

Bella and I spent lots of time like this!

at the property

true Australian bush!

the Medlock's property

a wallaby we saw driving into Oberon

Jeremy's dad took me for a ride on the motorbike :)

there was a large spider on the wall... so I caught it... and then learned it was a tarantula!

the inside of the house

properties near the Medlocks'

wombat hole!

the creek where we saw the platypus

looking from the house to the dam

Phoebe and I... after I proved my amazing Canadian fire-building skills!

Dylan, Phoebe's son

I asked Jeremy to get me a hat... and well, this is what happened!

then Bella and Kairu jumped on Jeremy's bed...

and Tex and Cooper snuggled with Brian..

maccas on the way home... yum!

Harbour Bridge in the day...

Joni's on the bridge!

back in the city