over in oberon

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

This is another post from me, getting caught up on pictures! This is my weekend in Oberon with Jeremy and his family: Peter and Jennie, his parents; Phoebe and Brian, his sister and brother-in-law; Dylan, their two-year-old; Bella, Kairu, Tex, and Cooper, the family's four dogs. Jeremy picked me up on a rainy Friday afternoon (which turned into sunshine, see below) on August 3rd, and we were up there until Sunday afternoon.

The weekend was a lovely respite from metropolitan Sydney. It was bloody cold--probably around 4 C most of the weekend, with some rain and wind on Saturday--but bundling up and walking made it all quite bearable. We happily pulled on as many layers as we could, and ended up in some rather entertaining mixes (again, see below). A trip into Oberon to see the Big Trout (it's biiiiig) and to eat at Pete's Cafe rounded the trip out perfectly. :) Oberon's definitely the 1000-person version of William's Lake.

Not to mention! I saw plenty of wild kangaroos (much to my amusement), and we saw a platypus--something that is very rare and very special. Platypi are very shy, though curious animals. We were in the right place at the right time, I suppose!

heading out of Sydney on a beautiful afternoon...

heading into in the mountains...

Bella and I spent lots of time like this!

at the property

true Australian bush!

the Medlock's property

a wallaby we saw driving into Oberon

Jeremy's dad took me for a ride on the motorbike :)

there was a large spider on the wall... so I caught it... and then learned it was a tarantula!

the inside of the house

properties near the Medlocks'

wombat hole!

the creek where we saw the platypus

looking from the house to the dam

Phoebe and I... after I proved my amazing Canadian fire-building skills!

Dylan, Phoebe's son

I asked Jeremy to get me a hat... and well, this is what happened!

then Bella and Kairu jumped on Jeremy's bed...

and Tex and Cooper snuggled with Brian..

maccas on the way home... yum!

Harbour Bridge in the day...

Joni's on the bridge!

back in the city


Luke Freeman said...

So here's your blog :)
Nice pics, isn't the australian bush the bomb!! (a bit of a trek though!).