November rocks my socks!

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

November arrived at SFU very unassumingly. It's leaving with a bang. Everything that anyone has ever told me about this campus has been wrong, for they didn't describe the unrelenting beauty of the place.


Tuesday, November 29, 2005

I was talking with Tracy a night or two ago, and she sent me some pictures. The first two are from us at Thanksgiving at the hockey game with Jen--and man, what the heck did we do to ourselves? We're hot! Mental note to self: do that again. The last one is of her at Halloween, as a bunny. I never thought I'd see the day when Tracy, of all people, would dress up like a rabbit. Huh.

I <3 the SFU Campus

Sunday, November 27, 2005

I woke up around 6:40 am yesterday morning, rather bleary and irritated with the world. I was walking to the shower when, much to my dismay, I looked outside and everything was white--and that won't happen very often this winter. I usually notice when it's snowed, either via the lighting or the sound, but I didn't notice a thing--probably because I thought the splashy noises were from someone in the shower. Meh.
It was rainy all morning, but by mid-afternoon, cleared up and was sunny. The majority of the snow melted, but there's still enough around to remind us that hey, this is Canada. (Even if it's a wimpy version.) The day finished with a glorious sunset. Nowhere else in Vancouver got snow yesterday, and very few others will have gotten to see that sunset for real. Just us... and it makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside, like nature is letting us witness something glorious and secretive--and she's bringing us together with that beauty.

Convention Glory

What, huh? Yeah, that's Jack Layton. I shook his hand.

Classic NDPers. I think half of them are / were hippies.

Kind of. Mostly, it can be figured out if you have some common sense & pay attention. But sssh, I didn't say that.

About half of the convention room--biiiig. For BC, anyway.

Columbia River - Revelstoke represent! I look really happy. Sssh. The tall guy is our MLA, Norm McDonald.

My parents went to the cabin...

Friday, November 25, 2005

Rain and fog make me depressed--but oh, how quickly that gets reversed. My parents went to the cabin last weekend, and this is what they saw. I'm so jealous... what I would give to get away from the 2.4 million people around me. What I would give to spend an entire day not having a harmful impact on the environment.

Today, I have:
  • eaten two meals out of disposable containers; only one of which was recyclable
  • purchased $40 worth of groceries, all of which will eventually end up in landfills or in sewage treatment plants
  • drank a cup of coffee out of a disposable cup
  • thrown out three pieces of paper because they were printed crooked
  • ridden on a gasoline bus
Maybe not the worst day in history, but I hate that there's so few positive things I can do--other than educate myself, that is. Education is sometimes so futile.

Anyway. Photos.

My dad, standing on the lake.

Also my dad, cutting down a tree that was threatening to fall on the cabin. Gotta love Mountain Pine Beetle.

I wish I was there.

I Heart Stars

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Waiting outside in the gross cold fog.

More waiting outside, but we're happy.

Inside the Commodore! Awesome!

The first opening band--it was really good, kind of folky & rock, but I don't remember their name. Thirst something or other--and they only had a demo out. Sigh. Should've gotten it.

Our collection of drinks grew (un)surprisingly quickly.

The second opening band; two identical girls and the guy on bass. Not Tegan & Sara, though still very girl-band. They were alright, but I wanted Stars at that point.

We got our places in the crowd... and there's some random tall guy in that photo. Psh.

Amy, the lead female singer & guitar player for Stars.

Amy, again.


I blame chocolate.

I remembered that we got these pictures a few days ago, and figured that theoretically, they should still be in a London Drugs bag somewhere. So I ripped apart my room to try to find them. No luck.

Today, I reached into my Purdy's chocolate bag and found 'em. Yeah, serendipity.

Above the Clouds

Sunday, November 20, 2005

I live in a very beautiful place. Sometimes we're covered in fog or cloud, but other times... well, see for yourself.

All the roses in the world...

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Computer gizmos make me happy.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

I need a holiday. Somewhere warm with a nice big beach and waves for me to play in and cool shells to collect.

Maybe I should go visit my grandparents in Palm Springs this December. Now THERE'S a concept.

In the meantime, maybe I'll just oggle some iPods.

My Halloween

Wednesday, November 2, 2005

Our booth with the fantastic posters made by the fabulous FTC poster moguls, Deanne and Joni.

Note the HOT HOT HOT nylons. =D

Ashton gives can sorting two thumbs up.

The final result: us and our food.

Photos from filming are going into LJ, because I uploaded them here.