I blame chocolate.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

I remembered that we got these pictures a few days ago, and figured that theoretically, they should still be in a London Drugs bag somewhere. So I ripped apart my room to try to find them. No luck.

Today, I reached into my Purdy's chocolate bag and found 'em. Yeah, serendipity.


PatZ said...

the extension cord for the one in MBC is annoying because it takes up valuable electric sockets that can be used to power laptops for marathon group writing sessions...

PatZ said...

the extension cord for the one in MBC is annoying because it takes up valuable electric sockets that can be used to power laptops for marathon group writing sessions...

PatZ said...

if you use the one in MBC it might be unplugged...laptops need power outlets too...

PatZ said...

wow...i really should learn to look and see if comment moderation is on so i dont wonder why nothing shows up when i hit enter...